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dhcp-fwd.cfg is the configuration for dhcp-fwd.

Note that fw 1.63 (2004-05-03) is the oldest known firmware, which maybe never was used in the wild.
It is compeletly based on the AR7RD 2MB Flash / 8MB RAM reference design and its SDK from TI, with some adaption by AVM.
It already contained our well known CGI programs webcm and firmwarecfg and it already handled configuration in UI-Modules.
The beginning of FRITZ!OS could be considered the birth of ctlmgr, dsld and igdd in the second oldest fw 1.120 (2004-07-26).
The next important milestone was the birth of multid in fw 1.133 (2004-09-21). 4 important months in the history of FRITZ!OS.

Fw 1.63 full quote:

## $Id: dhcp-fwd.cfg 1.1 2003/10/24 12:56:28Z mpommerenke Exp $

## This file contains a sample configuration for the network shown
## below:
##  --------------              ----------              -------------
## |  DHCP Server |            |          |            |             |
## | |------<eth1>| dhcp-fwd |<eth2>------|   Clients   |
## |              |            |          |            |             |
##  --------------              ----------              -------------
## By default, the dhcp-fwd agent looks at $(sysconfdir)/dhcp-fwd.cfg
## for this file. By using the '-c' option when calling dhcp-fwd, this
## path can be changed.

######### ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS #########
## The server will drop its privileges and goes into a chroot-jail
## after doing its initialization. The following parameters are
## defining the needed parameters:

## User and group names/ids. It can be a numeric id or a resolvable
## alphanumeric-name.
user            0
group           0

## chroot() path
chroot          /

## Logfile and loglevel. The logfile-location is relatively to the
## directory where dhcp-fwd was started and not the chroot-directory.
## The loglevel option is not supported yet.
#logfile         /var/log/dhcp-fwd.log
#loglevel        1

## SysV pidfile; contains the PID of the daemon-process and will be
## written with root-privileges
pidfile         /var/run/dhcp-fwd.pid

## Set limit for resources. When using much interfaces or servers
## below you will need to increase some values. Some holds when not
## using dietlibc. Use '-1' as the value to mark disable the upper
## limit for the given resource.
## Look into /proc/<pid>/status to find out the real usage of the
## resources.
ulimit core     0
ulimit stack    64K
ulimit data     32K
ulimit rss      200K
ulimit nproc    0
ulimit nofile   0
ulimit as       0

######### INTERFACE SETTINGS #########
## The interface where the forwarder listens for messages. There must
## be specified BOTH the server-side and client-side interfaces!
## Each interface will be identified by its system-wide name
## (e.g. eth0). After this it must be told whether there are
## clients and servers, and if it is allowed to send broadcast
## messages to clients. The bcast flags will be IGNORED when
## forwarding messages to servers.

#       IFNAME  clients servers bcast
if      br0    true    false   true
if      nas0    false   true    true

## Each interface can be given an RFC 3046 agent ID. The 'name' config
## option sets this value; if an interface is not specified here, the
## IFNAME will be assumed.

#       IFNAME  agent-id
#name   eth0    ws-c

server bcast nas0


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this file. Last update: 2024-06-16 06:39 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
0 dependencies for this file


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this file for each model. Last update: 2024-06-16 05:50 GMT.
Showing all models using this file. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for models with multiple Linux instances.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmw Path Size
FRITZ!Box SL 1.63 /etc 2.7k
1 model uses this file


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.


Showing 1 related property.
